- Posted By: Rob
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Virginia FIume l'ho conosciuta nel 2010, a Roma, quando lavoravo al Progetto della WEB TV per la campagna della Lista Bonino Pannella. Occhio ad incontrarla in qualunque circostanza, ha un sorriso contagiosissimo che ve la farà diventare subito simpatica ! Ecco l'about del suo blog. Buona lettura e navigatelo in lungo e largo !
My name is Virginia Fiume and this is my personal shared lab. I launched my first blog in 2004, but only in 2012 I created a transparent and public version of my way of reasoning and telling stories.
At the moment I live in London, United Kingdom. This is the reason why you can find posts in Italian – my native language – and in English – the language that I use to study and to work.
Beside my daily job as sales engineer and training specialist for ScribbleLive, a global end-to-end content engagement platform, I am part of the team that launched GlocalMarketing.org. As a volunteer I take daily care of the Linkedin page of Architecta – Società italiana di Architettura dell’Informazione.
I love to travel and discover people and cultures, I can’t stop reading, I use media tools as a sort of personal chess game.
Since when I finished the highschool in Milano (Italy) – the city where I was born in 1983 – I published a book and an ebook, I worked as personal assistant of a blind writer and as contributor for some of the most famous Italian newspapers. I had been editor-in-chief of two magazines in 10 years and I had participated in two web-tv projects and one radio program, one of them very political. I studied Critic and Theory of Literature in Milano and Anthropology of Media at the School of Oriental and African Studies in London, and I lived and worked in Roma, Palermo, Bethlehem and Vancouver. If you check my linkedin profile or follow me on twitter, you can know me better.